Contract Type
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Working Hours
Remote WorkNo
Additional Benefits
1-يوجد لدينا استوديوهات مفروشه عائلات وعزابي حراسه 24 ساعه بالسالميه للايجار للجميع المساحات مناسبه للعائلات 175_200_220_230والافراد 165 الملتزمين بالسالمية قطعه 3 بجوار نادي السالميه رقمنا واتساب Apply to show phone number..510523XX وApply to show phone number..607874XX
1- We have furnished studios for families and singles with 24-hour security in Salmiya for rent for everyone. The areas are suitable for families 175_200_220_230 and for individuals 165 committed to Salmiya, Block 3, next to Salmiya Club. Our WhatsApp number is Apply to show phone number..510523XX