
-Kuwait City

 -Kuwait City
mr diaaKuwait City
Kuwait City

-Kuwait City

Job Info


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Saadoun Group is pleased to receive your inquiries regarding all matters related to legal issues. We welcome your communication with us at the number Apply to show phone number..553369XX.

We specialize in personal status cases, including divorce cases for damages, all types of alimony cases, custody and guardianship cases, educational and health custody cases, proof of marriage in all its forms, and cases related to marriage contracts.

We are experts in all misdemeanor cases, including defamation, slander, fraud, electronic crimes, extortion cases, municipal and commercial cases.

We specialize in civil and commercial cases, status verification, labor cases, passport recovery, and lifting of parental kidnapping.

We handle rental cases, including wrongful eviction, collecting trust receipts, promissory notes, and bounced checks without funds.

Our expertise extends to administrative cases and all matters related to the courts. We have a dedicated department for execution against absconders and companies. Feel free to contact us at Apply to show phone number..553369XX

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AD No: 258912583

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Kuwait City
mr diaa
mr diaa
Member Since23-12-2016
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