
Customer Care Representative -Hawally

Customer Care Representative
Customer Care Representative -Hawally
احمد مدحت علي عثمانHawally, Hawally
Hawally, Hawally

Customer Care Representative -Hawally

Job Info

Customer Care Representative
300 KWD
Private Passenger Vehicle

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
InterpersonalAdaptabilityWillingness to learnMulti-taskingFast LearnerTelephone conversationsCommunicationTraining & DevelopmentLeadershipDocuments AuditTeamworkEmail usage knowledge

حاصل علي بكالوريوس نظم معلومات واعمل امين مخازن في شركة زها الادارة المشاريع لمدة سنتين ولدي خبره لمدة ثلاث سنوات في ميناء دمياط الجديده في مصر

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 244716217

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Hawally, Hawally

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Customer Care Representative
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محمد فاروق صابر عثمان
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‏عبد المعين ‏حلفاوي

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Hawally, Hawally
احمد مدحت علي عثمان
احمد مدحت علي عثمان
Member Since29-05-2024

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