
Alternative Medicine Specialist -Farwaniya

Alternative Medicine Specialist
Alternative Medicine Specialist -Farwaniya
دكتور ايمانFarwaniya, Farwaniya
Farwaniya, Farwaniya

Alternative Medicine Specialist -Farwaniya

Job Info

Alternative Medicine Specialist
350 KWD

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
Self-managementTraining & DevelopmentComputer skillsProblem-solvingStaff MotivationCommunicationMulti-taskingMS WordLeadershipProject ManagementTeamworkTelephone conversationsInterpersonalFinding & Attracting ClientsFast LearnerInternet SearchAdaptabilityCreative

الصدق والأمانة الثقة بالنفس اتباع التوجيهات الاهتمام بالتفاصيل إتقان الاتصالات في العمل التعاون مع الآخرين

الاتجاهات الإيجابية نحو العمل

القدرة على العمل مع الآخرين كفريق

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 238930422

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Farwaniya, Farwaniya
دكتور ايمان
دكتور ايمان
Member Since28-03-2016
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