
Graphic Designer -Hawally

Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer -Hawally
Ner MeenSalmiya, Hawally
Salmiya, Hawally

Graphic Designer -Hawally

Job Info

Graphic Designer
400 KWD
Private Passenger Vehicle

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
Fast LearnerAdaptabilityCommunicationComputer skillsLeadershipTeamworkInterpersonal

مصممة جرافيك متخصصة في ادارة حسابات السوشيال ميديا ..

تصميم جميع انواع المطبوعات

فوتوشوب ..الستريتور ..بريمير

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 228126258

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  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Salmiya, Hawally
Ner Meen
Ner Meen
Member Since11-09-2017
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