
Customer Care Representative -Hawally

Customer Care Representative
Customer Care Representative -Hawally
jaber alhajriSalwa, Hawally
Salwa, Hawally

Customer Care Representative -Hawally

Job Info

Customer Care Representative
450 KWD
Private Passenger Vehicle, Disabled Vehicle

Job Requirements

English, Arabic
Problem-solvingNegotiationFast LearnerContracts PreparationComputer skillsSelf-managementCommunicationAdaptabilityLeadershipProject ManagementInterpersonal

عمري 29 سنه

كويتي الجنسيه

اشتغلت بالتجارة والادارة و مسؤل اداري

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 206131166

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Salwa, Hawally
jaber alhajri
jaber alhajri
Member Since05-11-2022
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