Contract Type
Job TitleGraphic Designer
Job Sector
Working Days
Working Hours
Remote WorkNo
Salary150 KWD
Additional Benefits
License TypePrivate Passenger Vehicle
صاحب العمل يجب ان تكون لديه القدره على استخدام الفوتوشوب او اي برنامج من برامج التصميم ، لديه القدره على تصميم لوقو / التصميم والطباعه على التيشيرتات والملصقات والتاقات )
I want to hire a person interested in logo designs, specialized in Photoshop, and has the ability to do a print and design job , it's a small business in home , you can check the instagram by name @lulwas_desing
The job for female only ..
Contact number : Apply to show phone number..565650XX