للبيع نظارة vr ميتا كويست 2 / meta quest 2 (265GB)

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سلام عليكم

للبيع نظارة vr ال meta quest 2 مع كامل اغراضها و اكسسواراتها تقريبا

مع هذي الاكسسوارات يكون الاستخدام مريح جدا مقارنه بالي يجي مع النظارة العادي


Peace be upon you

For sale, the Meta Quest 2 VR glasses with almost all their accessories and accessories

With these accessories, use is very comfortable compared to what comes with the vr

Post ID: 259824149

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75 KWD
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  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

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Member Since 12-11-2016
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Mubarak Al-Kabeer - Al-Qusour

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