Pearl Air Conditioners for Sale in Farwaniya


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LG 7 - 8 Kg Washing Machines in Farwaniya
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LG 7 - 8 Kg Washing Machines in Farwaniya

Washing Machines , LG , 7 - 8 Kg , Used

Farwaniya, Farwaniya
icon phone600342XX
40 KWD
LG Refrigerator 12 Cubic Feet
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LG Refrigerator 12 Cubic Feet

Refrigerators , LG , 300 - 349 Liters , Used

Al Ahmadi, Fahaheel
icon phone663697XX
60 KWD
Midea Split AC 1.5 Ton , excellent condition and good working , Compressor still under warranty.
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Midea Split AC 1.5 Ton , excellent condition and good working , Compressor still under warranty.

Midea , 1.5 to 1.9 Tons , Cooling / Heating , Used

Farwaniya, Abraq Khaitan
icon phone690037XX
90 KWD
دولاب درفتين 85 سم
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دولاب درفتين 85 سم

Cabinets - Cupboards , Used

Farwaniya, Abraq Khaitan
icon phone565012XX
115 KWD
Panasonic biers
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Panasonic biers

Panasonic , LCD , 36 inch , Used

Farwaniya, Jleeb Al-Shiyoukh
icon phone977871XX
30 KWD
Other Refrigerators in Farwaniya
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Other Refrigerators in Farwaniya

Refrigerators , Other , 350 - 399 Liters , Used

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Farwaniya, Farwaniya
icon phone676639XX
35 KWD
60 دينار قابل للمساومة كنب مستعمل نظيف قابل للغسيل 6 قطع
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60 دينار قابل للمساومة كنب مستعمل نظيف قابل للغسيل 6 قطع


Al Jahra, Saad Al Abdullah
icon phone650028XX
60 KWD
Media fan and Wansa new under warranty 1 year stand fan series 3000 3 speed
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Media fan and Wansa new under warranty 1 year stand fan series 3000 3 speed

Fans , Used

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Farwaniya, Ardhiya
icon phone988700XX
10 KWD
Electric Oven 20 liters
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Electric Oven 20 liters

Ovens , Wansa , New

Farwaniya, Khaitan
icon phone600951XX
10.5 KWD

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