Nike LeBron Witness VIII – High-Performance Basketball Shoes Like New Size 44.5

قبل 4 ساعات
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Nike LeBron Witness 8 for Sale – Like New!

I'm selling my Nike LeBron Witness 8 sneakers, which have only been used for 1 week. They are in perfect condition with no signs of wear or damage. These shoes offer a premium, comfortable fit and are built with top-notch materials for both performance and style.

Size: 44.5 (EU)

Color: Blue and White – A sleek, modern look that complements any outfit.

Condition: Excellent – Like new, no scuffs, scratches, or any form of damage.

Price: Negotiable – Fee

إعلان رقم: 260083363

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( 5 )
عضو منذ 15-11-2021
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