Brand New Fila Cress Women's Sneakers – Black & Pink Size EUR 44 USA 12

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Original Fila Cress Women's Shoes – Brand New, Shipped from the USA

For sale are a pair of genuine Fila Cress Women's Shoes, brand new and in pristine condition. These stylish sneakers are designed in the USA and offer a perfect blend of comfort and performance with a sleek, modern look suitable for both casual wear and active use.

Colour: Black and Pink – A trendy, versatile combination that adds a pop of style.

Condition: Brand New – Never worn, in perfect condition.

Size: EUR 44, USA 12, UK

إعلان رقم: 259860967

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( 5 )
عضو منذ 15-11-2021
وقت التجاوب خلال 18 ساعة


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