Lumenis LightSheer DUET Laser Hair Removal System – Mint Condition, Low Shots!

خدمة التوصيلقبل 15 ساعة
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Lumenis LightSheer DUET Laser Hair Removal System - Mint Condition!

Condition: Barely used – Mint condition!


Hair Removal Handpiece: 225,669 shots

ET Handpiece: 87,686 shots

Why Choose the LightSheer DUET?

The Lumenis LightSheer DUET is a top-of-the-line laser system featuring two 800 nm diode handpieces for fast and efficient hair removal. Its dual-head technology enables precise and permanent hair reduction for all body areas – from large zones like legs and back to smaller, sensi

إعلان رقم: 256177839

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عضو منذ 04-10-2024


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