Canon SELPHY CP800 Digital Photo Inkjet Printer

قبل 3 ساعات
6 / 1



Reason for selling: No longer using it but it is in excellent condition. Canon new model price at xcite is KD 36.500/-. Selling it for KD 12/- and it is negotiable as the ink cartridge is empty and to be purchased only.


Color prints of high quality are produced by the Canon SELPHY CP800 printer using dye-sublimation technology. This Canon digital photo printer is perfect for quick printing needs because it just takes 47 seconds to print a postcard-sized image. Use this Canon inkje

إعلان رقم: 255498523

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 Syed Zahidi

Syed Zahidi

( 1 )
عضو منذ 21-04-2020
وقت التجاوب خلال 14 ساعة


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