Three Piece Professional Spa/Saloon Set - مجموعة كراسي للسبا

قبل 4 ساعات
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1. Client Spa Chair

- The Backrest and footrest are fully adjustable manually, a retractable and reclining mechanism from chair to bed.

- Equipped with smooth-rolling casters, swivel functionality for easy movement.

2. Technician Chair

- Compact and padded, adjustable height, supports long hours of sitting.

- Small back support enhancing posture during work.

- Equipped with smooth-rolling casters, swivel functionality for easy movement.

3. Magnifying Glass with Light

- Adjustable arm with a l

إعلان رقم: 254895465

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200 دينار
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  3. قم بتفقد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه.

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 somaia albaroudi

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